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E-notes from Zeahlot

+ Zeahlot’s personal reflections on entrepreneurship
+ Questions and prompts for your personal and professional development ⁠
+ Priority notice & access to events, offers, and retreats

"Zea speaks frequently about authenticity, creation of abundance in one's life,a nd how to manifest your life's purpose. I look up to her and her ability to stay passionate in helping her clients and colleagues. "

"...She walks the walk!"

"She covers a multitude of issues such as the value of women, navigating the world as a person of color, and the stigma of mental health"

"She's made me feel motivated with my business and see my own value"

"Zeahlot can make the entire room feel loved, feel understood, feel motivated, inspired and empowered! Zea is changing the world one person at a time, one large group of people at a time, and one powerful event at a time"

"Zeah has a beautiful way of speaking to your soul"



Weekly insights and inspiration from Zeahlot on business, leadership and wellness.

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An Investment vs. a Purchase


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“I am embodying each and every part of who I am” I want to share a quick story with you… Almost every time I am interviewed and asked what has helped me grow and scale my business the most, I have a moment of complete surrender to the truth of that question. First and foremost, […]

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I’m so excited to introduce you to a woman I am mentoring! She’s amazing! 🙌🏾 Let me tell you about her… She has business and pleasure Mentors her daughter into womanhood Creating not grinding Free throughout her day and life Moving in and out of what she wants to do She stays at home and […]

Are You Ready For Mentorship?


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Recently, I was interviewed on a podcast that made me consider three things… These are the top three questions I ask myself every time I am transforming into the new version of myself. These are the questions I ask myself when the core of my essence is shaken by life and what is happening for […]

The Gift of Challenges

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Last week I shared with you that years back I planted a whole lota of seeds. The kind that takes time to bear fruit. Like pineapples!  It takes 18 months to grow just one and the second one takes a year to grow after that to be ready for picking.  The same can be said […]

What you plant today you’ll see grow tomorrow


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“The quality of your questions will determine the quality of your life.” – Tony Robbins I had no idea I was a CEO until another woman told me who also owned a business. She wore her CEO status the same way she wore her heels! Like a woman who knows exactly what she desires, and […]

A Life Changing Mindset

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The most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. – Mark Twain I disagree. I have discovered that one of the most important days of your life is the day you die. Here’s why… When we die it’s an experience. I can’t speak much […]

The Most Important Day of Your Life

Zeahlot is a renowned international speaker, mentor, author, and a visionary force for women's personal and professional development. With over a decade of experience, she has established multiple businesses in addition to mentoring hundreds of women in growing their empires globally. With her expertise as a serial entrepreneur and retired psychotherapist, she has mentored hundreds of female business owners with direction for their vision to create impact and income with their gifts.

As a first-generation Mexican American woman, she has delivered powerful messages on leadership, business, and mental health through multiple media outlets and events. She holds a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from Mount Saint Mary’s University and completed advanced studies in leadership and entrepreneurship at the University of Southern California through The Multicultural Women Executive Leadership Program. Within her work, Zeahlot seamlessly blends academic rigor with real-world experience, making her insights both profound and practical.

Zeahlot Lopez

international speaker | author | mentor | retired psychotherapist

about the host

In 2022, a year after the devastating loss of her father to leukemia, she decided to retire from practicing psychotherapy, embrace minimalism by selling 80% of her belongings, and travel internationally. Her decision to practice full authenticity with her person and career not only saved her years of career and identity misalignment but also ignited an unprecedented amount of personal and professional adventure, wisdom, and experiences paved with unexpected twists and unimaginable gifts now shared with women around the world.

As the CEO and Founder of Bussiness and Pleasure Inc., Zeahlot has transformed the lives of thousands, particularly culturally diverse and first-generation women, guiding them toward leadership excellence. Her work has garnered numerous testimonials from women who attest to her exceptional ability to lead, heal, and inspire. Zeahlot's entrepreneurial journey reflects her unwavering commitment to mentoring female leaders who are not only successful but also empathetic and inclusive, creating a lasting impact in the world.

Aside from professional endeavors, Zeahlot enjoys cooking, reading, and creating stunning flower arrangements. Zeahlot currently lives in Las Vegas with her partner Morgan and their dog Max.