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The Most Important Day of Your Life


June 11, 2024

The most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. – Mark Twain

I disagree.

I have discovered that one of the most important days of your life is the day you die.

Here’s why…

When we die it’s an experience. I can’t speak much on it because obviously I still have the breath God gives me daily. I can make hypotheses about what happens all day long and the reality is I know there is a long journey ahead of me.

One with great purpose!

On August 4, 2021 I watched my father die in front of me. He spent his last days at City of Hope after battling cancer for a short 90 days.

Changed my life!

At the time I thought it changed my life for the worst.

Now, 2 1/2 years later with more clarity, I now understand that it has allowed me to live much more and authentically to honor what is a better version of me.

This year is 37 for me. The ironic part is that at age 28 I learned that I should have died several times early on in my life.

Drowning in a river at age 2.

Hit by a drunk driver head-on at age 5.

Drunk driving at age 19.

…death came close even before I took my first breath outside the womb.

When my mother was three months pregnant with me she was told by her primary doctor that she should abort me because I would have down syndrome and raising a child with special needs would be extremely difficult for two immigrant parents raising a child in a country that was not native to them in language, culture, and resources.

My parents prayed about it and decided to continue with the pregnancy.

And here I am.

With a whole lotta purpose!

I share this because people frequently ask, “How did your parents come up with your name? It’s so unique!”

Indeed unique and the fact that it’s the only one in the world because it has an H!

Thing is my mom added the “H” for hope… hope that her child would be born healthy and thrive.

My mom might have given me birth but my father, with his death, gave me my life back.

This has been the biggest gift thus far.

Understanding that life and death go hand-in-hand.

Accepting the life cycle has been a major part of why I am choosing to live in my full potential and spending my time exploring what helps humans actualize their greatest selves.

Cheers to growth,

Zeahlot… with an “H”

I see you,

You see me,

I love you.

P.S. Here’s the video where I tell my story!

Zeahlot is a celebrated serial entrepreneur, international speaker, mentor, and retired psychotherapist with over a decade of experience. As a visionary leader, she’s built multiple businesses and mentored hundreds of women to elevate their vision, create lasting impact, and grow their income. Sharing her insights as a female founder, Zeahlot empowers women globally to create legacy that help the world become a better place.

Zeahlot Lopez


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