Business & Pleasure

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authored by zeahlot

"She covers a multitude of issues such as the value of women, navigating the world as a person of color, and the stigma of mental health"

"She's made me feel motivated with my business and see my own value"

"Zeahlot can make the entire room feel loved, feel understood, feel motivated, inspired and empowered! Zea is changing the world one person at a time, one large group of people at a time, and one powerful event at a time"

"Zeah has a beautiful way of speaking to your soul"



Weekly insights and inspiration from Zeahlot on business, leadership, mental health and spirituality.

Past E-notes


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I’m so excited to introduce you to a woman I am mentoring! She’s amazing! 🙌🏾 Let me tell you about her… She has business and pleasure Mentors her daughter into womanhood Creating not grinding Free throughout her day and life Moving in and out of what she wants to do She stays at home and […]

Are You Ready For Mentorship?

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Recently, I was interviewed on a podcast that made me consider three things… These are the top three questions I ask myself every time I am transforming into the new version of myself. These are the questions I ask myself when the core of my essence is shaken by life and what is happening for […]

The Gift of Challenges


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Last week I shared with you that years back I planted a whole lota of seeds. The kind that takes time to bear fruit. Like pineapples!  It takes 18 months to grow just one and the second one takes a year to grow after that to be ready for picking.  The same can be said […]

What you plant today, you’ll see grow tomorrow

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“The quality of your questions will determine the quality of your life.” – Tony Robbins I had no idea I was a CEO until another woman told me who also owned a business. She wore her CEO status the same way she wore her heels! Like a woman who knows exactly what she desires, and […]

A Life Changing Mindset


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“Relationships are the currency of life; the more you invest in them, the richer you become” It’s true! Relationships are key to building and growing your business. Personally, I have found the most success in creating relationships that cultivate the type of community I cherish and have nurtured over the years with a beautiful practice […]

Relationships Are The Currency Of Life

Meet Zeahlot

Zeahlot is a visionary content creator and thought leader who empowers women to step into their power with clarity and purpose.

Her transformative teachings span leadership, business, mental health, relationships, and spirituality, offering a holistic approach to personal and professional growth.

With a deep emphasis on intuition, values, and meaningful connections, she inspires women to harness their inner strength to drive success.

Zeahlot’s work is rooted in the belief that true empowerment comes from aligning with one’s authentic self, leading with purpose, and embracing the journey of continuous growth and healing.