Second Sight

a 90-min energetic reading with zeahlot

Zeahlot offers personalized mentorship aimed at promoting clarity, growth, and transformation in both personal and professional areas of your life. You can only schedule The Mini private mentorship call one time. If you would like more support after booking this call, you can explore collective and private mentorship options located on the services menu.

What you can address during these mentorship calls:

Spiritual Development:
Work on your clairs: Psychic abilities or senses, often associated with intuition, perception, and extrasensory (ESP).

Business Development:
An array of guidance, experience, and wisdom sharing dedicated to helping you create and scale a business that you love.

Relationships Development:
An in-depth look at your relationships with self and others to obtain the skills and awareness for the communication and connection desired.

book call

Ready to become your highest self with all things business, relationships, and spirituality?

Please have clarity that you are NOT buying a program or service.
You are Investing in yourself. An investment is different from a purchase.
Learm more here 

Service Disclosures: Zeahlot takes the month of December off and does not provide services during that time. Services rendered to clients are planned in advanced to be provided outside of this time.

part of the funds collected from this service will be donated to a charity that supports women PROJECT MARILYN

What to Expect

Enhance leadership through self-awareness and decision-making. Develop accountability, identify strengths, set high standards, improve communication, and cultivate emotional intelligence.

personal development

Gain skills for effective business management. Learn marketing, sales, operations, time management, build quality relationships, and maintain high professional standards.

Clarify your purpose, values, and beliefs, understand the intentionality behind your decisions and actions, and differentiate between decision and discernment, applying each appropriately depending on the situation.

Use entrepreneurial techniques to solve problems and create meaningful impact. Identify opportunities, master lean startup methodologies, utilize design thinking, implement agile project management, and develop skills in pitching and fundraising.

Learn to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, build a healthy relationship with yourself, and develop empathy, all of which are crucial for fostering strong, meaningful relationships.

professional development

expanding power through spirituality

expanding power through entrepreneurship

expanding power through connection

“Zeahlot's team and leadership has inspired a whole movement. Everytime you talk to her is value on top of value. She's not only helping scale businesses but has helped me scale mine with the right core in mind - with a mission WORTHY of effort and soul. Her systems are going to scale your business, but its her story and her heart that really made me believe in mine too. As women of colors, we dont see much of it in this space. PS if youre looking for a mentor thats a life long learner, this is it. Thats why I knew I was in good hands. She invested in herself. Made investing on her very easy.”

angel abellana, ceo and founder of phenomenal filipina

"...has inspired a whole movement"


“Honestly, working with Zeahlot was one of the best business and personal decisions I've ever made. Despite being resourceful, I struggled with direction and focus due to too many ideas. After speaking with her, I realized she understood my starting point and added what I was missing: clarity on who I am and who I want to be as an entrepreneur. Her extensive business experience and genuine care for my success have been invaluable. This experience has transformed me, giving me confidence in my business skills and a solid understanding of my strengths. I highly recommend this program – it's truly worth the investment.”

" business and personal decision"

catherine baggett, Founder of Unity Mental Health Services


“Zeahlot is an extraordinary mentor and leader! She possesses an exceptional ability to cultivate curiosity and drive innovation among female founders.

I highly recommend Zeahlot not only as a mentor and speaker but as a strategic innovator who profoundly understands the balance between impact and income. Her delivery of information is easy to relate to and consume and she is a joy to work with.”

"...a strategic innovator"

megan buckley


Success Stories

You value growth, healing, and transformation.

You are self-aware and have already made steps towards evolving.

You will do the work outside of our mentorship sessions
because you understand who you become in the process

We'll work well together if...

Work with Me

A private mentorship call aimed at promoting clarity, growth, and transformation in both personal and professional areas of your life. You can address during this call: Spiritual Development, Business Development and Relationships Development.

A 6-month mastermind for female leaders who are ready to shift frequencies. Amplify your voice, your power, your truth. Transcend limitation & cultivate massive wealth.

An exquisite combination of personal and professional development expanding your power with spirituality, entrepreneurship, and connection through the medium of private mentorship for the ultimate transformation into becoming the powerful human who makes it happen. 

An exquisite combination of personal and professional development that expands your power with spirituality, entrepreneurship, and connection through the medium of private mentorship for the ultimate transformation into becoming the human who makes the world a better place through creation.

Please have clarity that you are NOT buying a program or service.
You are Investing in yourself. An investment is different from a purchase.

Open to Women and Men

Open to Women Only

Open to Women and Men

The Business of Healing is an online 6-month mentorship program created to help mental health and wellness professionals bridge the gap between their education and the business skills they need to thrive. Our tech-enabled online platform and learning academy focuses on business principles rooted in marketing, sales, operations, and customer success.

Open to women and men who identify as mental health professionals, wellness professionals and healers

Gain clarity and insight with a personalized energetic reading that taps into your spirit’s unique vibration. This session illuminates your path, unveiling hidden blocks and aligning your energy with your highest potential. Perfect for those seeking guidance, healing, and a deeper connection to their authentic self.

Open to women and men

Work with Me

An exquisite combination of personal and professional development that expands your power with spirituality, entrepreneurship, and connection through the medium of private mentorship for the ultimate transformation into becoming the human who makes the world a better place through creation.

Please have clarity that you are NOT buying a program or service.
You are Investing in yourself. An investment is different from a purchase.

A private mentorship call aimed at promoting clarity, growth, and transformation in both personal and professional areas of your life. You can address during this call: Spiritual Development, Business Development and Relationships Development.

A 6-month mastermind for female leaders who are ready to shift frequencies. Amplify your voice, your power, your truth. Transcend limitation & cultivate massive wealth.

Open to Women and Men

Open to Women Only

An exquisite combination of personal and professional development expanding your power with spirituality, entrepreneurship, and connection through the medium of private mentorship for the ultimate transformation into becoming the powerful human who makes it happen. 

Open to Women and Men

*Service disclaimer

*Client policies and guidelines

*Buyer-seller agreement

The Business of Healing is an online 6-month mentorship program created to help mental health and wellness professionals bridge the gap between their education and the business skills they need to thrive. Our tech-enabled online platform and learning academy focuses on business principles rooted in marketing, sales, operations, and customer success.

Open to women and men who identify as wellness professionals and healers