Buyer-Seller Agreement

The following document contains the terms and conditions of use for all services and products offered by Zeahlot LLC. Please read them carefully before formally accepting the offer.

Disclaimer: Changes to the Terms

Please read the terms and conditions in this document carefully before using our services. By signing this document, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this document's terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, you must not access, select, or use our services.

If these terms and conditions are not signed by the client within 7 business days of being sent, it shall be construed as tacit acceptance thereof, thereby causing the terms and conditions to come into effect with all their legal consequences and effects.

We reserve the right to revise and update the terms and conditions of Zeahlot LLC, at our sole discretion without prior notice. Any changes will become effective immediately upon their posting on our website at and will apply to all services and products after that. By continuing to use our Services and products after such revisions are posted, you accept and agree to the amended terms and conditions. We encourage you to review our website regularly for any changes, as they are binding upon you.

These terms and conditions create a contract between you and Zeahlot LLC, (the “Agreement”).

This Agreement is entered into as of the date that you accept these terms and conditions (the “Effective Date”) by and between The Service Provider., (“Zeahlot LLC”) and you (“Client”) (collectively, Service Provider and Client shall be known as the “Parties”).

Zeahlot LLC agrees to provide services to the Client on the Terms and Conditions set out in this Agreement while the Client is of the opinion that Zeahlot LLC staff has the necessary and proper qualifications, experience, and abilities to provide services to the Client.

By making the payment, the client agrees to the terms and conditions described herein, along with all the obligations and conditions they entail.

Therefore, in consideration of the matters described above, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, the Client and Service Provider agree as follows:

Term of Agreement

The term of this Agreement shall begin as of the Effective Date and remain in full force ongoing, or until otherwise terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Service Agreement.

Termination of Agreement

This Agreement can be terminated at the discretion of the Service Provider for any reason, including, but not limited to, the Client becoming disruptive or difficult to work with, failing to follow the Service Provider Client Policies and Guidelines, not responding to the Service Provider for two weeks or otherwise “ghosting” the Program, or impairing the enjoyment of others participating in the Service Provider’s programs. Additionally, termination may occur if the Client violates the confidentiality clause or breaches this Buyer-Seller Agreement in any manner.

Termination may also occur if the Client fails to make any payments as agreed upon, if the Service Provider is unable to perform its obligations due to ongoing unforeseen circumstances, such as extended force majeure events, if the Client engages in illegal activities or violates applicable laws, or if the Client becomes insolvent or files for bankruptcy.

The Client may unilaterally terminate this Agreement before its natural expiration date by paying a penalty determined solely by the Service Provider. This penalty may be up to $30,000, depending on the value of the services provided and any relevant factors considered by the Service Provider.

If the Client attempts to terminate this Agreement early without fulfilling the necessary obligations, a separate penalty of up to 15% of the total contracted service value will apply.

In both cases, the Client must fulfill the payment obligations as outlined in this Agreement, making it clear that there are financial consequences for ending the contract early.

Termination may also be warranted if the Client provides false or misleading information material to this Agreement, fails to meet key milestones or deliverables outlined herein, or if there is a significant change in the Client’s ownership or management impacting the Agreement if applicable. Furthermore, any circumstance where continuation becomes impossible or impractical due to legal or regulatory changes, or the loss of required licenses or permits may lead to termination.
This Agreement shall also terminate upon the dissolution or cancellation of either party's company, if applicable, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties' representatives or estates. Termination for any of the above reasons may occur with at least 7 calendar days' prior notice, at the sole discretion of the Service Provider.
     3. Right to Refuse Service

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, at our sole discretion, for any reason, including but not limited to behavior that is inappropriate, disruptive, or in violation of our policies. This includes circumstances where service provision may compromise safety, security, or the quality of the experience for others.

     4. Scope of Services:

The Service Provider shall provide Client with the following services in accordance with the conditions, outlined in this Agreement:

1.- Educational Support and Resources: Provide access, assistance, guidance, feedback, and educational materials to support clients in achieving the objectives outlined in the program for the services or products acquired according to the offer description that each service or product includes.

2.- Private Mentorship Access: Provide a link for both One-on-One and Group Coaching calls promptly to the client. (If applies)

3.- Timeliness and Presence: A team member should attend all scheduled sessions with clients punctually without delay.

4.- Digital Delivery of Products: Ensure that products are delivered in a digital format and in accordance with the offer description.


Disclaimer: About the offers:

Zeahlot LLC reserves the right to design specific offers tailored to the unique needs and conditions of each client, with compensation adjusted according to the terms agreed upon by the parties. In all cases, Zeahlot LLC will present a private offer through a written agreement detailing the service and its respective conditions. This document will become an integral part of this Buyer-Seller Agreement and will operate in conjunction with it. The payment plans for customized offers will be detailed in the agreement presented and executed by the parties.

Service Provider will notify the Client about the available methods to render payment and will provide any other information necessary to complete payment. Compensation is due and payable on the effective date unless otherwise specified by the Service Provider. If the client does not pay in full, the price of the program may increase at the service provider's discretion.

Furthermore, I authorize charges to my debit card/credit card used for the payment of Zeahlot LLC. I will be charged the amount indicated for services as previously agreed upon. A receipt for payment can be provided via email request to Additionally, disclosure of information such as name and payment amount is made to processing and banking institutions for payment. Accounting staff at Zeahlot LLC may also come into contact with payment information for billing and accounting purposes. For outstanding payments of services rendered, I authorize Zeahlot LLC to charge my credit card/debit card for the remaining balance due.

Additionally, I acknowledge that I agree not to dispute charges and that the origination of transactions to my card must comply with the provisions of U.S. law. I certify that I am an authorized user of this card or have been granted permission to use this card for payment and will not dispute these scheduled transactions, as long as the transactions correspond to the terms indicated in this agreement.

Military Discount: Active and non-active U.S. military personnel are eligible for a 20% discount on all products listed in this section, excluding programs, offers, and services and only apply to digital products included in the digital suite. Eligibility requires presenting adequate proof of their military affiliation with the United States government. To qualify for the military discount, clients must complete their payment in a single transaction, and send their credentials to with the headline in the email “Military discount.”

For Private Mentorship services, unused sessions can be used any time within 4 months for the Individual Private Mentorship and 6 months for the Collective Private Mentorship starting from the date the services are paid for, which constitutes the total duration of access to the described services. For the client to maintain access to the Private Mentorship Services, attendance at least one call per month is mandatory. Failure to attend at least one call per month will result in termination of access to the Private Mentorship Services.

The service provider reserves the right to suspend, either wholly or partially, access to the content and/or platforms of use in the event of any infringement of these terms and conditions of use.

5. Service Interruptions

Zeahlot LLC explicitly reserves the right to temporarily suspend its public-facing operations as required to implement any necessary adjustments or modifications to its services, or for other significant reasons such as System Maintenance, Emergencies or Natural Disasters, Legal and Regulatory Compliance, Business Restructuring, Security Assessments, or Staff Training. This temporary cessation of operations shall be deemed permissible only if active clients are properly notified at least two weeks prior to the initiation of such suspension. Notifications shall be disseminated via email or the primary contact method previously designated by each client. Such notifications must clearly detail the reasons for the temporary cessation and specify the duration of the halt, which, under no circumstances, shall exceed a period of sixty (60) business days.

6. Clients obligations:

1.- Commitment to Learning: Dedicate the necessary time and effort to complete the program, course, and assignments, including watching videos, reading materials, completing practical exercises, and taking required assessments. If the client acquires Zeahlot LLC services they are required to attend a minimum of one call per month in order to maintain access to the live mentorship calls.

2.- Payment of Fees: Cover the cost of the service and or products as per the agreed-upon terms. This may involve a one-time payment, a recurring subscription to services or products, a scheduled payment plan, and or fee per hour as stipulated by this document.

3.- Respect for Intellectual Property: Respect the copyrights and intellectual property rights of the service and or products purchased. This entails refraining from distributing course materials without permission, avoiding plagiarism, and responsibly utilizing the content solely for personal, educational, and professional purposes to enhance your business and or personal growth.

4.- Show Up on Time to All Meetings: Attend scheduled meetings promptly, ensuring punctuality. Clients shall be granted access to the meeting within the initial 15-minute window. Following this period, clients shall forfeit access to the meeting due to tardiness.

5.- Updates and Communications: Stay informed of communications and updates sent by Zeahlot LLC and or staff, which may include changes to the scheduled services, additional requirements for program participation, and or new learning opportunities. Clients are equally required to inform Zeahlot LLC and or staff of any circumstances that may affect their attendance, participation, or performance in the scheduled services or products acquired.

6.- Compliance with Zeahlot LLC Policies and Guidelines: Follow the rules and policies set forth by the service provider, as well as guidelines that include rules and suggestions about the interaction with other people in the community including but not limited to clients, mentors, coaches, guest speakers, staff members, and within the use of learning platforms.

7.- Adherence to the dispute resolution methods: The client agrees to adhere to the dispute resolution methods established in this document, and must first resort to them before initiating any legal, financial, or administrative claim or lawsuit.

      7. Payment Methods
The Client has the option to make payments using the following methods: credit card, debit card, bank transfer, or wire transfer. The Client acknowledges and agrees that all transaction fees associated with these payment methods shall be the sole responsibility of the Client. The Service Provider shall not bear any fees related to the processing of payments.

      8. Processor fees

The Client acknowledges and agrees that a transaction fee of 3% shall be charged for all transactions made using debit or credit cards. This fee will be applied to the Client's account at the time of the transaction. By using a debit or credit card for transactions, the Client consents to the assessment of this fixed processor fee and agrees to pay it in full at the time of purchase.

In the event that the Client is on a payment plan, the Client shall be responsible for covering the cost of all the applicable transaction fees for each installment payment. To avoid the payment of these processor fees, the Client may opt to make a bank transfer instead.

     9. Late or Declined Payments

Late Payment Fee (For all services): If any payments are not made by the agreed due date, a late payment penalty of $500 USD will be charged on the first date payment is not received on time. If the late payment, along with the applicable late fee, is not received within 14 days (consecutive days), Zeahlot LLC reserves the right to terminate the service and product access previously granted given the level of service.

If the two-week period (consecutive days) with no payment has lapsed to regain access, the client must pay a reactivation fee equivalent to 10% of the total value of the services hired. This fee must be paid in full through a single payment, using the available payment methods. Once paid, full access to the hired services will be restored and the client will only retain access to the remaining number of calls from the original purchase of the acquired services if applied.

Declined payments will be handled under the same criteria as late payments.

     9. Debt Recovery

In the event that Zeahlot LLC, needs to initiate a debt collection process involving the collateral participation of legal professionals, the debtor client shall pay, in addition to the outstanding amount, a sum not less than $500 USD for legal expenses associated with the debt collection. Zeahlot LLC, reserves the right to request higher amounts of compensation in cases where legal expenses incurred in connection with the debt collection exceed $500 USD.

      10. No Refund Policy

Once paid, any payment(s) by the Client to the Service Provider is non-refundable. The client acknowledges that all sales or payments to the Service Provider are final. The client further agrees to waive any rights to “charge-back” or dispute payment with his/her credit card processor or bank. Client further acknowledges that there is no refund whatsoever if the Service Provider terminates this Agreement at any time during the term of this Agreement.

Service Provider is not liable for any payments that are not completed because (1) Customer’s credit card account does not contain sufficient funds to complete the transaction(s) or the transaction(s) would exceed the credit limit or overdraft protection of the credit card account; (2) client has not provided Service Provider with the correct payment account information; (3) Customer’s credit card has expired; or (4) of circumstances beyond Service Provider’s control (such as but not limited to, power outages, interruption of cellular service, overzealous fraud protection rules applied by your payment card brand or acquirer bank, or any other interface from an outside force).

All payment is exclusive of any taxes or duties imposed by your jurisdiction or by tax law. The Service Provider is not responsible for any taxes or duties owed by the Customer.

       11. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

Confidential Nature of Information. Client agrees to treat all information obtained from Zeahlot LLC, in the performance of this Agreement, including but not limited to the online content, Customer’s log-in credentials (such as username and password), as confidential and proprietary to Zeahlot LLC Client shall treat all records, information, and work-product prepared, shared, or maintained by Zeahlot LLC, and its employees, agents, and representatives in the performance of this Agreement as confidential and will not disclose this information to any other persons, social media platforms, firms, or organizations by any means. Further, nothing in this Agreement or in the performance of this Agreement shall be construed as granting or conferring any rights by license, express or implied, regarding any idea made or conceived by Service Provider, nor as granting any right with respect to the use or marketing of any product or service of Service Provider.

Survival. The customer’s obligations under this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

     12. Relationship of the Parties

This Agreement does not create, nor shall be represented by either party hereto to create, a partnership, joint venture, employer-employee, master-servant, principal-agent, or other relationship whatsoever between the Parties hereto.

      13. Release of Liability

The Client agrees to hold the Service Provider, its officers, employees, or agents, harmless from any loss, claim, damage, or liability of any kind involving an officer, employee, or agent of the Service Provider arising out of or in connection with this Agreement. In no event shall Service Provider, including but not limited to Service Provider’s principals, employees, agents, or contractors, be liable to Customer, or any third party, for any loss of profits, loss of business, or indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages arising out of or related to this Agreement.

        14. No Warranties

The Service Provider makes no warranties, express or implied, as to any matter whatsoever, including, without limitation, the condition or quality of the services described herein, whether tangible or intangible, or developed under this Agreement; or the marketability, or fitness for a particular purpose of the services. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, or other damages suffered by any person resulting from this Agreement or the Customer’s use of the Service Provider’s services or information.

       15. Governing Law and Venue

This Agreement, the rights of the Parties hereunder, and any disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Nevada.

16. Dispute Resolution

The Parties shall attempt in good faith to resolve any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement promptly by negotiation between the Client and an authorized executive from the Service Provider to settle the controversy. Any party may give the other party written notice of any dispute not resolved in the normal course of business. Within ten (10) business days after the delivery of the notice, the receiving party shall submit to the other a written response. The notice and response shall each include with reasonable particularity a statement of the party’s position(s) and a summary of arguments supporting that position(s). Within thirty (30) days after delivery of the notice, the Parties shall meet at a mutually acceptable time and place, which can include via telephone or video conference.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the negotiating Parties, the above-described negotiation shall end at the close of the first meeting described above (“First Meeting”). Such closure shall not preclude continuing or later negotiations if desired.

All offers, promises, conduct, and statements, whether oral or written, made in the course of the negotiation by any of the Parties, their agents, employees, experts, and attorneys are confidential, privileged, and inadmissible for any purpose, including impeachment, in arbitration or other proceeding involving the Parties, provided that evidence that is otherwise admissible or discoverable shall not be rendered inadmissible or non-discoverable as a result of its use in the negotiation.

At no time before the First Meeting shall either side initiate an arbitration or litigation related to this Agreement except to pursue a provisional remedy that is authorized by law or by agreement of the Parties. However, this limitation is inapplicable to a party if the other party refuses to comply with the requirements of this section.

All applicable statutes of limitation and defenses based upon the passage of time shall be tolled while the procedures specified in the aforementioned paragraphs of this section are pending and for 15 calendar days thereafter. The Parties will take such action, if any, required to effectuate such tolling.

If any dispute, claim, or controversy is not resolved between the Parties through the aforementioned process, then any dispute, claim, or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation, or validity thereof, including the determination of the scope or applicability of this Agreement to arbitrate, shall be determined by arbitration in the state of Nevada. The Parties shall maintain the confidential nature of the arbitration proceeding, including the hearing, except as may be necessary to prepare for or conduct the arbitration hearing on the merits, or except as may be necessary in connection with a court application for a preliminary remedy, or unless otherwise required by law or judicial decision. In any arbitration arising out of or related to this Agreement, the arbitrator(s) shall not award costs or attorneys’ fees. For any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement, each party is to bear their own costs and attorneys’ fees.

17. Debt Recovery

In the event that Zeahlot LLC, needs to initiate a debt collection process involving the collateral participation of legal professionals, the debtor client shall pay, in addition to the outstanding amount, a sum not less than $500 USD for legal expenses associated with the debt collection. Zeahlot LLC, reserves the right to request higher amounts of compensation in cases where legal expenses incurred in connection with the debt collection exceed $500 USD.

18. Release of Liability for Events

Zeahlot LLC reserves the right to organize events at various national and international venues. By accepting this buyer-seller agreement, the client acknowledges that Zeahlot LLC is not responsible for any incidents, occurrences, or damages that are beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of nature, governmental restrictions, third-party actions, technical failures, or any other unforeseen circumstances. The client also understands that any third parties in charge of the organization, provision of services, or execution of these events at the respective venues will be fully responsible for any issues or liabilities that arise within their respective areas of competence.

Zeahlot LLC shall not be held liable for any financial losses, refunds, compensations, or damages resulting from such incidents. In any case, Zeahlot LLC's total liability, if found responsible, shall not exceed the total amount paid by the client for participation in the event.

19. Event Volunteers

Volunteers participating in events are eligible for a reduction in cost on retreats by assisting directly with the execution and logistics of the event, as required by Zeahlot LLC. To apply as a volunteer, you must complete the application through the provided link and receive confirmation of acceptance via email or message. Upon approval, volunteers are required to make the necessary payment to secure their attendance at the designated retreat. Volunteers agree to actively and consistently engage in collaborative tasks related to event logistics and other duties as requested by Zeahlot LLC.

Event volunteers are also subject to all applicable additional responsibilities outlined in this document.

20. Advice of Counsel

The Parties agree that they are aware that they have the right to be advised by counsel with respect to the negotiations, terms, and conditions of this Agreement, and that the decision of whether or not to seek the advice of counsel with respect to this Agreement is a decision which is the sole responsibility of each of the Parties hereto.

21. Independent Review

Each party hereto declares and represents that in entering this Agreement he/she/they have relied and is relying solely upon his/her/its own judgment, belief, and knowledge of the nature, extent, effect, and consequence relating thereto. Each party further declares and represents that this Agreement is being made without reliance upon any statement or representation not contained herein of any other party or any representative, agent, or attorney of any other party.

22. Severability

In the event that any provision of this Agreement or any word, phrase, clause, sentence or other provision thereof, should be held to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason, such provision or portion thereof shall be modified or deleted in such a manner to make the Agreement as modified legal and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted under applicable laws.

23. Grant of Media Rights and Testimonial Release

You hereby irrevocably and perpetually grant to the Company:

- The right to photograph, videotape, and record your name, voice, appearance, likeness, and/or written testimony along with any material furnished by you, in whole or in part, in any of the Company’s marketing materials and programs;

- The right to use your written, oral, and video submissions in any fashion, in Company’s discretion;

- The right to publish, exhibit, and distribute the use of your name, voice, appearance, testimonial, and/or in whole or in part, worldwide, for any commercial purpose, including but not limited to the advertising or solicitation of business, by any means of mass and/or electronic media, including but not limited to print, radio, television and promotional materials, events and/or marketing plans.

24. Integration

This Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding by and between the Parties and any representations, promises, agreements, or understandings, written or oral, not contained in this Agreement are rendered invalid and shall have no force or effect.

DISCLAIMER: What is not included in the services

Client acknowledges that the services rendered solely involve guidance, teaching, assistance, accountability and organizational structure within the scope of practice for the hired product and or services, as applicable.

Clinical Therapy: The services provided by Zeahlot LLC are not a substitute for therapy, counseling, or any form of mental health treatment. It is recommended that individuals seeking mental health support consult with qualified mental health professionals.

Legal Advice: Zeahlot LLC does not provide legal advice as part of its services. Any suggestions offered on legal matters are non-professional opinions. Clients are strongly urged to seek professional legal advice before taking any legal actions and or legal remedies.

Business Success Non-Guarantee: Zeahlot LLC cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, mentorship, coaching, events, plans, tools, or strategies. You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of Zeahlot LLC brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Zeahlot LLC programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, mentorship, events, or coaching, and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of business results or future earnings.

Financial Advice: Zeahlot LLC does not offer financial advice as part of its educational services. It is strongly recommended that individuals seeking financial guidance consult with qualified financial advisors or planners before making any significant financial decisions. Zeahlot LLC does not assume responsibility for any financial outcomes resulting from discussions or suggestions given by the service provider.

Medical Services: Zeahlot LLC does not provide medical services or medical advice. Clients are encouraged to consult with qualified healthcare professionals for any medical concerns or conditions. Zeahlot LLC does not assume responsibility for any health-related outcomes resulting from discussions or suggestions given by the service provider.