…Being completely honest, I’m terrified to write this!
People forget. Paper doesn’t.
Email even time stamps to make it official!
Once it’s out it’s out.
No going back.
Showing up scared with all the courage I have to start this newsletter…
Courage at its best.
I’m writing this…
Because I know that my words create impact on you and those you share this with!
Because I’m ready to tell my story and share it with others so that they may advocate and use their voice to inspire, empower, and let be known they are in their full power!
Because my truth, my pearls of wisdom, and hard-learned lessons all wrapped into a bound beauty of experience shared openly with the world create change!
Because I am in my purpose – also known as a cosmic comedy written by my favorite comedian- God.
Here’s my assignment!
To die more healed than wounded and help other powerful humans have the same opportunity.
Here’s a short video of me sharing more about purpose:
A point to ponder:
Our relationship with purpose is one of higher importance so much so that if we have a connected, honest, and devoted relationship with it – it becomes synonymous with joy.
Whether you are in the beginning stages of exploring your purpose or at the stage where it is one and the same with who you are enjoy the ride!
Cheers to you and your relationship with purpose.
I see you.
You see me.
I love you,