My First Piece of Content 😅


July 12, 2024

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March 8, 2016 2:00 PM in a Target parking lot inside my car.

I made my first piece of content.

It was iconic!

Not in the way you think though…

There were no rainbows. No butterflies. No stars or moon.

Just tears and one of the most intense panic attacks I’ve ever experienced.

My business coach, after 6 months of working together, requested I make a video for Women’s International Day! Firmly, he mentioned that if I didn’t make the video he would no longer work with me because I would not be a woman of my word if I did not take action with my vision as a paid professional speaker and mentor for women.

Parked on the second floor garage, I did 5 takes after a full on panic attack that helped me remember how to breathe! 30 mins later after a whole lotta tears full of fear, doubt, and insecurity, I made my first video for Youtube.

Here’s the receipt (Yes I kept it!)

Messy and ugly.

In that moment, I learned an important lesson as a woman with purpose: How to create in the dark.

It helped me understand and embody what it means to create in my power despite fear, pain, doubt… (insert your inner bully here that stopped you from creating content that impacts the world).

It inspired me to envision what I could create for my life.

It gifted me the wisdom to know that I can create in light and dark, good times and trying times, in seasons of grief and joy.

It makes my content real, authentic, and most importantly human!

That is power!

And that power is already within you as the leading force to act on your goals as a female founder.

We decided to invite a few women to join me in the process of sharing their story by creating iconic content in Tulum, Mexico while having a bit of pleasure!🌴

This retreat will empower women to master iconic content creation and learn the ins and outs of digital marketing by learning to create in your power as a woman.

Join us this September 2024

Discover Experience

For this intimate experience, we’re accepting only 3 to 5 women.

Click the link above to join the female collective in creating iconic content.


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authored by zeahlot